My Favorite Comic Book Story: The Hulk "The End" – Hold That Down Bruh Comics

My Favorite Comic Book Story: The Hulk "The End"

Posted by derek jefferson on

Big shoutout to J-Skipper for letting me use his artwork for this article. "Hulk: The End" is my favorite story, it's about The Hulk/Banner is old and is the last 2 people on Earth. He traveled the entire world but all he sees is emptiness everywhere. He is miserable and he wants to die but The Hulk won't let him.  He has an internal fight between The Hulk and himself. Every time he thinks he's dying, The Hulk wakes up in a rage blaming puny Bruce. He gets attacked by some type of bugs and they eat his flesh but in under 20 minutes, he's completely regenerated. I don't want to tell the whole story but just know it's a good read. It shows the Hulk's most vulnerable moments and I love it!

Art by J-skipper


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