My Blogs – Tagged "DC comics" – Page 2 – Hold That Down Bruh Comics

My Blogs — DC comics

Why I Think Luke Cage and Iron Fist Got Cancelled By Netflix

Posted by derek jefferson on

Big shoutout to J-Skipper for letting me use his artwork for this article. Well, I think this can be looked at from a few angles, but let me start at the perception of the shows. When Iron Fist came out I was a big fan of Daredevil and Jessica Jones didn't draw my interest at all from the trailers. I gave Iron Fist a change because I knew his show was gonna be related to the TV MCU. It started off slow, I got to episode 3 then lost interest after that. Then Luke Cage came out and of course, I...

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The Reason Batman Is The Greatest Superhero Of All Time

Posted by derek jefferson on

Big shoutout to J-Skipper for letting me use his artwork for this article. Well, the reason I think he's the greatest is that he can be any one of us. He's a regular person that had a tragic backstory but fortunately, he's left with wealth, not the trade any sane person would be satisfied with. But he used his riches to try to make a difference, not in the traditional way, but it's honorable to sacrifice your life for the greater good. Although he trains at a level most humans couldn't even dream of getting close to, he's still vulnerable...

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