My Blogs – Tagged "Dceu" – Hold That Down Bruh Comics

My Blogs — Dceu

Titans' Batman Vs Robin episode is TRASH and here's why!!

Posted by derek jefferson on

Shoutout to J-Skipper for letting me use his artwork. I want to start by saying after you get past the 3rd episode of Titans then it starts to get interesting, my whole reason for going back to watch the rest of the episodes and give it another chance was because of the season finale episode of a showdown between Dick and Bruce, which turned out to be the biggest disappointment. What I liked about the show up until the last episode was the bond the team started to grow between each other. I liked Dick because we never seen this...

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Superman: World's Finest video game coming soon??

Posted by derek jefferson on

Yes you've heard that right...Rocksteady is working on Superman video game. Word is, they have been working on it for years, secretly. If you guys aren't familiar with Rocksteady, they made Batman's awesome Arkham series. The rumor also stated that its supposed to be open world with 3 playable characters, Superman, of course, Batman and Robin. These are just rumors as of now so I'm not sure how true this information is. Stay tuned for more. (I don't own any copyright to the images in this post.)

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This Joker Movie Is A Risky Move!

Posted by derek jefferson on

Shoutout to J-Skipper for letting me use his Joker art. I think joker is one of the most iconic villains in the history of comic books. It goes without saying, Heath Ledger is everyone's favorite modern Joker (from Dark Knight-present). Jared Leto did ok, if anything he could have been Joker's cousin or half-brother. But from what I've seen of the trailers for the new Joker movie, it looks like a parody. His make-up is far from his original look. You know when you go off track from a comic book origin or a similar relevant plot then you have to make the movie great....

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What I Think About The Rumored Michael B. Jordan's Superman

Posted by derek jefferson on

 Big shoutout to Davian C. for letting me use his artwork for this article. I don't think it's a good idea for Micheal B. Jordan to be Superman or black for that matter. I'm black myself but to change the race of a major known figure is not an easy thing to do, especially without extending the storyline or altering it in a familiar way. What I mean by that is if it is an adapted story out of the comics like maybe Michael being Steel and they team up or something. I can see that happening more than just changing...

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Why I Think Luke Cage and Iron Fist Got Cancelled By Netflix

Posted by derek jefferson on

Big shoutout to J-Skipper for letting me use his artwork for this article. Well, I think this can be looked at from a few angles, but let me start at the perception of the shows. When Iron Fist came out I was a big fan of Daredevil and Jessica Jones didn't draw my interest at all from the trailers. I gave Iron Fist a change because I knew his show was gonna be related to the TV MCU. It started off slow, I got to episode 3 then lost interest after that. Then Luke Cage came out and of course, I...

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