This is an event to look forward to. I don't know who drew this art of Batwoman but shout out to them. After I seen the trailer, I instantly felt bad because I had lost touch with the DC TV Universe. I liked Flash season 1-3 but then it became repetitive then I continued to give it a chance until they had all these different Flash like characters, so I lost l interest after that. I never got into the Robinhood type characters of Hawkeye or Green Arrow, but I prefer Hawkeye more because I guess I know more about him because he was force-fed to us thru Marvel movies, and I will add that if they came out with a show based on Speedy aka Roy Harper of DC then I would much likely watch it being that he was an interesting character in Young Justice. Then you have Supergirl which was actually good I just kind of forgot where I left of and stopped watching for no reason at all. And I do watch Black Lightning but I hope it gets better in terms of content because I feel like I'm also losing interest in this show as well and so far it hasn't shown any indication that it is tied in with any other shows from the Universe at all. But with the crossover even of Batwoman coming up I will at least have to catch up on the episodes that lead up to this event. They need to follow with her own show also, I think that will give the DCTV Universe much needed boost to its other shows. I'm just a Batman fan altogether so I think that an extension to his content is the least we can get because we figured we will never get a Batman TV show in the DCTV Universe. Gotham doesn't count, off course it started off good but then the inconsistencies with ages and origins of the characters quickly threw me off. But then the weird romantic vibe between Cobblepot and Enigma really took the cake for me and as the storyline went on it just made even more plot holes. So unless they plan on giving the people the Batman they want then we will settle for a dope Batwoman. What do you think? Comment below!!
The TV Debut Of Batwoman
Posted by derek jefferson on