Big shoutout to Yusuf S. for letting me use his artwork for this article.I would like to give a special shout-out to Yusef S. for letting me use his fanart of Venom. First I want to say Venom was dope even my wife loved it and want to see it again. I think the critics labeled it a failure before it was released to fans for 2 reasons. The first reason I think is because of the disconnect from the Spiderman storyline. When you think of Venom you think of Spiderman so it's only right that critics would be worried that it wouldn't be received by fans. It was risky to try to give him his own identity outside Spidey but it was definitely worth it. It gave Eddie Brock a different perspective and made him somewhat of a hero, and I say somewhat because real Heroes don't let their counterpart eat people's brains. I guess since he allowed him to only eat bad people's brain but again who are you to judge who lives and who dies? Overall it was action packed and interesting to take a deeper look into the history of Venom and they did a good job at taking some of the storyline directly out of the comics. It also showed another one of Venom's weaknesses, fire. If you aren't a comic book fan you probably wouldn't know that, you also wouldn't know that Spidey wasn't the first 1 with the Venom suit, Deadpool was. I'm not going to get into that so you will have to go read the comics yourself. The second reason is I think is the comical take on Venom makes him a little less serious and takes away from the villainous part of the character. I guess that would make sense being that Venom is known for being a dangerous villain. I understand Sony tried to make it a little light-hearted to appeal to the new younger fans. That's cool to expand your fanbase but when it comes to making a film parallel to its comic book existence, you must stick to the script. Overall I loved the film and the critics didn't know much about the genre's fans, and besides most of the MCU movies are light-hearted but I guess since Sony made it they didn't think Marvel fans were going to watch it. So to answer the question as to why was it successful it's because comic book fans make up a big majority of the world! If you haven't seen it yet it's a must see!
I’d give Venom an 8.2 on a scale of 1-10